Payment Arrangement Plan (PAP) Request Form
Service Address
Mailing Address
Maximum of 3 months.
Terms and Conditions
By signing below, I hereby agree to the following:

Monthly installment is in addition to the regular monthly bill on the account. All subsequent billings are payable when due.

The payment plan will commence the following month after the form is received and approved.

I understand that, should I default on making full payment of the amount due, Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) shall limit or discontinue utility service and service will not be restored until the balance is paid in full and any associated fees are paid. I further understand that should I default on this agreement, KIUC will not allow another payment plan.
Sign above, the customer of record needs to make the request and sign.

By clicking the "Submit" button, you consent to having all documents and disclosures provided or made available to you in electronic form, to the terms of this Agreement and to doing business with us electronically. You also consent and agree to the use of electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with transactions instead of written documents and handwritten signatures.

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