June 3, 2024 – For the fifth straight year, Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) leads the State of Hawaiʻi in renewable generation, achieving 57.9% renewable for 2023.  This puts KIUC well ahead of the State of Hawaiʻi requirement of 40% by 2030, to be achieved by each electric utility as established by HRS § 269-92(a), as amended.

KIUC Continues to Lead State in Renewable Generation

Kauaʻi Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) once again leads the state in renewable generation: achieving 60.2% renewable for 2022.

“We continue to seek new ways to maximize the use of renewables and are working toward a new goal, set by our Board of Directors in January, to reach 100% renewable by 2033,” stated KIUC’s President and Chief Executive Officer, David Bissell. He noted that the KIUC strategic goal accelerates the State of Hawaiʻi timeline of reaching 100% renewable by 2045 by more than a decade.

KIUC Leads the State in Renewable Generation

Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) will begin issuing $1.7 million in 2021 patronage capital retirement bill credits to cooperative members in May, due to action taken by the Board of Directors at its April 28, 2022 meeting. 

Patronage capital is money that the cooperative has left over after paying all of its expenses and meeting its lenders’ expectations for financial stability. At the end of the year, money is credited to each member’s patronage capital account according to the amount the member paid for electricity. This is the member’s equity in KIUC.

KIUC Retires $1.7 Million in Patronage Capital